The Origin and Development of Translanguaging and Its Implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy

  • Jiaying Li Beijing Forestry University School of Foreign Languages
Article ID: 2289
Keywords: Translanguaging, Code-switching, Multimodality, Pedagogy


Translanguaging has been a heated topic in applied linguistics and foreign language pedagogy in recent years. It was put forward by Cen Williams as a bilingual teaching practice, and then it was gradually developed by other scholars. This thesis will introduce the origin and development of the theory translanguaging, previous studies of translanguaging and its implications for foreign language pedagogy. Although translanguaging has been applied into the teaching practice abroad, its application and ways of practicing still need to be improved so as to better adapt to the domestic teaching environment.
How to Cite
Li, J. (2021). The Origin and Development of Translanguaging and Its Implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy. Learning & Education, 10(2), 100-101.


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