Discussion on the Teaching Method of “Python Programming” for Business Studies in Higher Vocational Education

  • Yi Peng School of Economics, Shenzhen Polytechnic
Article ID: 2247
Keywords: Teaching Method, "Python Programming", Business Studies


Programming is the ability to read and write in the era of artificial intelligence. The development of society requires more talents who understand programming. Compound talents is needed in Business Studies in Higher Vocational Education, and Python has been included in compulsory courses. This article analyzes the problems in the teaching of Python Programming for business studies, and proposes Python programming need to be combined with majors, to conduct hierarchical teaching, and to adopt formative assessments, hoping to promote the teaching of Python programs for business studies in higher vocational education.
How to Cite
Peng, Y. (2021). Discussion on the Teaching Method of “Python Programming” for Business Studies in Higher Vocational Education. Learning & Education, 10(2), 7-9. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2247


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