The Innovation of TESOL's Method and Theory Under the Background of Lnternational Education

  • Xu Liu YangZhou University
Article ID: 2096
Keywords: TESOL, Language monitoring theory, Input hypothesis, I 1 theory, Student centered teaching principle


Since 1970s, second language acquisition has been studied as an independent subject for more than 40 years. As a leading figure in this field, the famous American linguist Krashen proposed the monitor theory. At present, this theory is one of the most comprehensive and influential language acquisition theories in the world, but it is also controversial. Some scholars put forward different views on the input hypothesis. This paper will analyze the influence and deficiency of Krashen's input hypothesis on College English learning, and put forward teaching suggestions for the existing English listening and speaking course.


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How to Cite
Liu, X. (2021). The Innovation of TESOL’s Method and Theory Under the Background of Lnternational Education. Learning & Education, 9(5), 244-245.