Talking About How Counselors Can Cultivate People by Virtue in Spreading Traditional Culture

  • Chen Dong School of Trade and Economics, Jilin Engineering Normal University
  • Yiming Wang School of Trade and Economics, Jilin Engineering Normal University
  • Qiwen Ding School of Trade and Economics, Jilin Engineering Normal University
Article ID: 2095
Keywords: Counselor, Traditional culture, Lide Shuren, Internet plus


Chinese culture is extensive and profound. After thousands of years of development, Oriental culture has long been deeply rooted and has become the life inheritance of our Chinese nation. As an important platform for inheriting innovative and excellent culture, college counselors should take the initiative to undertake the responsibility of inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture, and constantly promote its transformation to innovative development, which is the key content of implementing the practical work of cultivating people by virtue efficiently.
How to Cite
Dong, C., Wang, Y., & Ding, Q. (2021). Talking About How Counselors Can Cultivate People by Virtue in Spreading Traditional Culture. Learning & Education, 9(5), 241-243.


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