Optimize the Reform of Primary School English Classroom Teaching Through “Flipped Classroom”

  • Rong Ma Chouzhou Primary School
  • Yuesen Yu Chouzhou Primary School
  • Leijie Gong Zhejiang Jinhua Vocational College of Science and Trade
Article ID: 2082
Keywords: Flipped classroom, Optimization, Primary school English classroom


Under the guidance of the rapid development of society,multimedia technology has been gradually integrated with the education classroom,which has brought unprecedented changes for the modern classroom.In order to make full use of multimedia technology in the classroom and optimize the teaching methods of English class,we can continuously improve the efficiency of English class in primary schools through the form of"flipped classroom".The following is a brief analysis of the application of"flipped classroom"in the reform of primary school English classroom teaching.
How to Cite
Ma, R., Yu, Y., & Gong, L. (2021). Optimize the Reform of Primary School English Classroom Teaching Through “Flipped Classroom”. Learning & Education, 9(5), 206-207. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i5.2082


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