Instrospection of Dual Personality in Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

  • Yue Zhang Kunming University of Technology
  • Siqi Yang Kunming University of Technology
Article ID: 2081
Keywords: Dual personality, Pressure, Instrospection


The phenomenon of dual personality has attracted more and more attention. This article discusses this phenomenon with the help of Stevenson’s Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, which intends to reveal the social problems of the Victorian era. Through pressure faced by the protagonists in the works, the thesis analyzes the situation of the mismatch between the material needs and the spirit of people. The essay aims to expose the dark side of the society at that time, and arouse people’s deep thinking. Also, it aims to analyze how individuals can obtain an inner balance.
How to Cite
Zhang, Y., & Yang, S. (2021). Instrospection of Dual Personality in Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. Learning & Education, 9(5), 204-205.


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