Effects of Exercise on Hippocampus-entorhinal Cortex and EpilePsy After TBI

  • Yongzhi Li College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
  • Xiuting Lin College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
  • Lijia Zhao College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
  • Le Guo College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
  • Lixin Yu College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
  • Sicheng Zhu College of Physical Education and health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University
Article ID: 2076
Keywords: TBI, Epilepsy, Exercise


Traumatic brain injury can lead to a series of cognitive deficits and dyskinesias, including hippocampal memory dysfunction and dyskinesia of the contralateral limb. Theta oscillation has been recognized to be involved in the memory storage and processing functions of people. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by frequent seizures and is believed to originate from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Studies have found that moderate exercise has a protective effect on the brain and can promote recovery after brain injury. The protective effects of exercise include reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures and reducing the behavioral disorders of animals after brain injury. Exercise is related to the decrease of EEG epileptiform discharge and the increase of seizure threshold. In the study of epilepsy and epilepsy animal models, it is found that aerobic exercise training can delay the occurrence of epilepsy, reduce the frequency of seizures, and promote good plastic changes in the hippocampus. Therefore, this review focuses on the effects of exercise on the hippocampus-entorhinal cortex and seizures after brain injury, and provides a new perspective to clarify the neuroprotective effects of exercise.


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How to Cite
Li, Y., Lin, X., Zhao, L., Guo, L., Yu, L., & Zhu, S. (2021). Effects of Exercise on Hippocampus-entorhinal Cortex and EpilePsy After TBI. Learning & Education, 9(5), 191-192. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i5.2076