Theory and Practice of Second Language Learning-- A Critical Analysis of Theories and Approaches in SLA

  • Yu An Xi’an Eurasia University
Article ID: 2071
Keywords: Second Language Learning, Theories, Task-based Learning


During the development of globalisation, economic trade and cultural communication have become frequent between countries. As a result, the demands of learning more languages than a mother tongue are growing faster, which has also caused the development of the theories of teaching and learning a second language. This essay discusses issues about the theories and practice of learning and teaching a second language. The purpose of this essay is to, through the analysis of different theories and methods of second-language learning and teaching, find a more efficient way of teaching a second language and optimising the design of language classes.
How to Cite
An, Y. (2021). Theory and Practice of Second Language Learning-- A Critical Analysis of Theories and Approaches in SLA. Learning & Education, 9(5), 175-176.


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