The Research Situation of Student Teachers’ Professional Development——A Study of Teacher Education Through CiteSpace

  • Boliang Men School of Foreign Language Studies, Langfang Normal University
  • Yuan Gao School of Foreign Language Studies, Langfang Normal University
  • Zhihua Cai School of Foreign Language Studies, Langfang Normal University
Article ID: 2070
Keywords: Knowledge Mapping, Timeline Analysis, Research Focus, Research Cooperation


The analysis of the researches on the pre-service teacher education helps to explore the actual situation of my current English teacher education research, and promotes the reflection of researchers. In order to understand the development and research characteristics of the English teacher’s study in China since 2000, the study used CiteSpace V to conduct 381 valid literatures on English teacher education from January 1st, 2000 to 2017 of CNKI. The results show that, since 2000, the topic of English teacher education research focuses on internships, curriculum standards and English majors. These researches have been influenced greatly by education policies, and the cooperation of researchers is not prominent.
How to Cite
Men, B., Gao, Y., & Cai, Z. (2021). The Research Situation of Student Teachers’ Professional Development——A Study of Teacher Education Through CiteSpace. Learning & Education, 9(5), 171-174.


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