Environmental Problems in Logistics Engineering From the Perspective of Engineering Ethics

  • Mengqi Xu School of Business Administration, Henan Polytechnic University
Article ID: 2057
Keywords: Logistics engineering, Engineering ethics, Reasonable and orderly


At present, our country is facing a new round of scientific and technological revolution and a new situation of industrial transformation. With the emergence of modern major projects, its impact on the environment and the future of mankind is very significant. Engineering ethics is the professional ethics of engineering and technical personnel. Engineering ethics can guide, regulate, and develop the professional ethics of engineers and the construction of engineering projects. Therefore, the study of engineering ethics has long-term and important significance. Logistics activities run through the four major fields of production, circulation, consumption and national defense, and are the blood of my country’s economy. Engineering ethics is a discipline that studies these problems in depth and seeks for their emergence and solutions. This article will analyze the engineering ethics dilemma of each link of logistics activities from warehousing, transportation, packaging, circulation processing, and loading and unloading, and conduct practical thinking on these issues, and put forward insights and improvement methods.
How to Cite
Xu, M. (2021). Environmental Problems in Logistics Engineering From the Perspective of Engineering Ethics. Learning & Education, 9(5), 139-140. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i5.2057


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