The Impact of Globalization on Higher Education

  • Siyu Wang The University of Edinburgh, Old College
Article ID: 2054
Keywords: Globalization, Higher education, Inequality, Economic benefit


Driven by technological development and social progress, Globalization will become an inevitable trend. Nowadays, globalization has become a common theme for all countries to promote development. It is certain that the development of globalization has brought many benefits to various industries. However, it may also has many problems that cannot be ignored. The impact of Globalization on Higher Education has aroused wide concerns, not only on the individual but also on the society. Altbach (2004) founds that some people believe that globalization will create a level playing field in the new era of knowledge dependence, while others claim that globalization means inequality worldwide and the McDonaldisation of universities. It can be seen that higher education is very important to the country and the individual. Therefore, We must be clear about the positive and negative effects of globalization on higher education in order to help higher education develop better. In this essay, I will analyze that globalization has more negative effects than favorable effects on higher education.
How to Cite
Wang, S. (2021). The Impact of Globalization on Higher Education. Learning & Education, 9(5), 133-134.


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