Research on Influencing Factors of Stigma in Inpatients With Depression

  • Cheng Yin China Three Gorge University
Article ID: 2051
Keywords: Depressive disorder, Stigma, Influencing factors


Objective: to evaluate the influence of psychosocial factors on stigma of patients with depression.Methods: A total of 110 inpatients with depression were investigated by Stigma Scales by Link ,Self Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS), Simple Coping Style Questionnaire and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale(RSES).Results: 1.Moderate depression group and severe depression group had higher stigma than non depression group; severe depression group and moderate depression group had higher stigma than mild depression group.2.The stigma of depression patients was negatively correlated with social support, positive response and self-esteem, and positively correlated with depression degree and negative response.Conclusion:The lower the severity of depression, the better the social support, the more positive coping, the higher the level of self-esteem, the lower stigma in patients with depression, and vice versa.
How to Cite
Yin, C. (2021). Research on Influencing Factors of Stigma in Inpatients With Depression. Learning & Education, 9(5), 126-128.


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