How Digital Devices and Social Media Affect Young Adults’ Communication in Information Age

  • Yumeng Wang Chengdu Textile College
Article ID: 2020
Keywords: Digital Devices, Social Media, Young Adults’ Communication


This article will investigate how digital technology has affected young people’s communication socially and educationally. Do 20-30 years old people (Early Millennials) have particular needs that are served by present technology platforms or has the technology created behaviors that have impacted their social interaction? This article will investigate what the positive and negative outcomes of digital devices are, what the contributory factors are, how young adults’ behavioral pattern and interpersonal relationship have changed and what can be expected for the future.
How to Cite
Wang, Y. (2021). How Digital Devices and Social Media Affect Young Adults’ Communication in Information Age. Learning & Education, 9(5), 48-51.


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