A Preliminary Study on College English Blended Teaching Based on Think-Pair-Share

  • Wei Zhou Dalian University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 2011
Keywords: Think-Pair-Share, College English, Blended teaching


Through the application of the Think-Pair-Share model, the teaching concept of “problem-oriented and studentcentered†is implemented in college English teaching. With the help of blended teaching, the Think-Pair-Share model is applied from course content and classroom teaching activities, so as to stimulate students’ interest in active learning, improve their ability to solve problems collaboratively, and further cultivate students’innovative thinking.
How to Cite
Zhou, W. (2021). A Preliminary Study on College English Blended Teaching Based on Think-Pair-Share. Learning & Education, 9(5), 21-22. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i5.2011


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