Collage • Banter • Chaos:Quentin Tarantino’s Post-Style Study in the Background of Postmodernism---Taking Representative Works Kill Bill, Shameless Bastard and Pulp Fiction for Examples

  • Jiandong Cui Dept.Of Visual Contents Graduate School of Dongseo University
  • Seung-keun Song Dept.Of Visual Contents Graduate School of Dongseo University
Article ID: 2006
Keywords: Postmodernism, Quentin Tarantino, Collage, Banter, Chaos


Postmodernism is an artistic ideological trend of temporal state. In the context of postmodernism, the conductor’s collage, banter and chaos work in the filming of Quentin Tarantino’s movie is a postmodern style. The ideal of the ideological trend is perfect, whose exploration of the movie creation techniques subverting the tradition and dissolving the grand narrative provides more possibilities for the movie creation method, and offers a new horizon for the movie aesthetic system.
How to Cite
Cui, J., & Song, S.- keun. (2021). Collage • Banter • Chaos:Quentin Tarantino’s Post-Style Study in the Background of Postmodernism---Taking Representative Works Kill Bill, Shameless Bastard and Pulp Fiction for Examples. Learning & Education, 9(5), 11-12.


[1] [United States] Jane Robertson, Craig McDaniel, translated “The Theme of Contemporary Art: Visual Art from 1980â€, Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, 2011 edition, p. 164.

[2] The Greatest 100 War Movies, Computer Newspaper Electronic Audio and Video Publishing House, p. 26.

[3] [America] Robert Cokerel, Guo Qing translated “The Form and Culture of Filmsâ€, Peking University Press, 2007 edition, p. 54.

[4] Dai Jinhua: Film Theory and Criticism, p. 301, Peking University Press, first edition, August 2010.