Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3941

    Comment mener une recherche interventionnelle en psycho-oncologie ? Développement, évaluation et implémentation en pratique clinique

    by K. Lamore, D. Ogez

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 13 Views

    This article discusses the methods used to develop, evaluate, and implement new psycho-oncology interventions in clinical practice. In this regard, two world-widely used models are presented to provide scientific insight to the different actors involved in the research. Interventional research concerns clinicians, researchers, institutional actors, and patients to develop new projects using methodological rigor and to improve the conditions of patients and relatives.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3942

    Quelle est la place des professionnels de santé dans l’adhésion aux programmes thérapeutiques en ligne de l’insomnie ? Éléments de réflexion issus de l’étude Sleep-4-All-1 et protocole de l’étude Sleep-4-All-2.0

    by D. Boinon, C. Charles, L. Fasse, J. Journiac, G. Pallubicki, E. Guerdoux-Ninot, G. Ninot, A. Couillet, J.-B. Le Provost, J. Savard, S. Dauchy

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 19 Views

    Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) remains difficult to access for patients with cancer. Its digitalization seem like a promising solution to benefit as many people as possible. The feasibility of a Quebec CBTI program was thus demonstrated in France, while revealing the limits of a self-help remote program for patients with cancer. The challenge remains to better understand with the Sleep-4-All-2.0 protocol study the role of healthcare professionals in supporting patients in this type of program.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3944

    Méditation de pleine conscience pour les patients en oncologie : adapter la pratique en temps de pandémie

    by A. Couillet, B. Mastroianni, J. Hailloud, M.-P. Le Bris, G. Chvetzoff

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 9 Views

    Meditation workshops were offered to patients, and we observed their feasibility during their oncology care. They were adapted to Covid-19: one session face-to-face, the second by videoconference. Data were analyzed retrospectively. A mixed analysis was carried out: the quantitative part evaluated the participation in the workshops, the characteristics of the patients, and the impact of the workshops. The qualitative part focused on the appropriation of this tool by the patients. Concerning feasibility, 66.7% of patients completed the program without differences between face-to-face and videoconference groups. We find an improvement in mindfulness skills, a decrease in anxiety and physical pain, and an increase in nausea. Meditation seems to be an interesting tool for patients during their oncology care, both face-to-face and videoconference.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3946

    Adhésion et implémentation d’un programme de cohérence cardiaque visant à réduire l’anxiété de patients opérés pour une carcinose péritonéale : étude pilote randomisée

    by E. Guerdoux, L. Coutant, M. Del Rio, S. Gourgou, F. Quenet, G. Ninot

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 10 Views

    Objective : To evaluate the implementation of a daily practice using cardiac coherence in patients with peritoneal carcinosis who underwent surgery. Materials and methods : Open, single-centre, controlled, randomized, and non-comparative phase II study, including 20 control patients versus 40 patients trained with biofeedback to use a breathing guide that will record their autonomous practice at home. Expected results : Successful adhesion of this nonpharmacological intervention before and after surgery, which may characterize parameters in favor of its implementation and evaluation of its impact on anxiety. Perspectives : Efficacy should then be assessed to transfer this supportive care to other patients.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3950

    Développement et évaluation d’un programme d’entraînement à la communication hypnotique à destination des infirmières en oncologie pédiatrique : la formation Rel@x

    by D. Ogez, J. Aramideh, E. Rondeau, T. Mizrahi, M.-C. Charest, C. Plante, M. Duval, S. Sultan

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 10 Views

    Children with cancer are frequently confronted with painful procedures during their course of care. To support them during their treatment, communication techniques derived from hypnosis have shown excellent results in reducing the distress and pain associated with these procedures. We conducted a preliminary study evaluating the effects of hypnotic communication training on nurses’ practice during painful procedures with children with cancer. The results showed good acquisition of the techniques by the nurses and the significant effects of these techniques on the children’s pain and distress levels. This study also provided recommendations for improving the training to develop a simpler design of the Rel@x training, which will be tested with a larger sample of nurses and patients.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3955

    Réflexion sur l’offre de services psychologiques en oncologie et soins palliatifs dans deux centres hospitaliers universitaires montréalais

    by C. Defer, M.-S. Bernatchez

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 297 Views

    In the face of cancer and at the end of life, emotional distress is common and is increasingly recognized, resulting in a significant number of requests for consultation with our specialized psychological services. The authors present a reflection on the various factors that guide their interventions with oncology and palliative care patients in a hospital setting. The challenge is to offer the right care at the right time to all patients and their loved ones who need it. The treatment plan will be adjusted according to the severity and the nature of the distress, the need to intervene within a short delay, the patient’s preference, his or her vulnerability, and protective factors while keeping in mind that our mandate as psychologists is limited to oncology and palliative care. This article illustrates that an integrative approach is valuable in responding to the diversity of requests received in the context of limited time and resources.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3972

    La relaxation psychanalytique Sapir : une expérience formatrice pour les soignants ?

    by A.-M. Bourdot

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.1, 2022; 6 Views

    Enthusiasm for body-based approaches to caregiving incites us to explore these techniques as formative experiences for caregivers. Building on the Sapir relaxation method and linking theory to practice, we wish to evaluate the method and its interest as a means for caregivers to understand the patient–carer relationship. An experience of the method would allow caregivers to become aware of the commitment needed in the caregiver–patient relationships and the issues this relationship engenders.