Vol 6, No 1 (Published)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 466

    A tentative exploration of the Practice, System and theoretical Base of "the International Finance"

    by xiao-yin Liang

    Financial Forum, Vol.6, No.1, 2018; 207 Views, 6 PDF Downloads

    socialist nature can is found from this systems like "General agreement on Trade in WTO Service" </b20 >,"Basel Accord" and "agreement of the International monetary Fund." After the natural feature of international, is analyzed on the basis of Marxism collectivism. Human ' s requirement for public interests are the base of financial supervision and the society is a indispensible of market and government. And this fact indicates that the international finance the are supposed to be a systematic the involving of Market and government as the agreement between public and private. This also reveals that socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics are possessed to the base and evidence all Owed for the international finance system, offering a new perspective of looking at international economic Cialism theory, which can lay theoretical foundation for the internalization of Chinese socialist, market. And this can show that developing the textbook "The International economic" is necessary, scientific and FEASIBLE.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 467

    Comparison of stock market fluctuation spillover effects under the new and old international financial order Seedlings Clear

    by Shi Ying Fang

    Financial Forum, Vol.6, No.1, 2018; 184 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    Articles use the GARCH model and Granger Causality Check , Comparative analysis of the new and old international financial order under the United States , UK , Japan , The volatility spillover effect and conduction path of index returns in Hong Kong and mainland China . research shows : in the old international financial order , UK stock markets have varying degrees of volatility in other markets , us is the end of the stock market volatility risk transmission ; in the new international financial order , Domestic The stock market exits from the volatility overflow conduction path , At the same time, the fluctuation contagion effect of other conduction paths decreases in varying degrees ..

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 468

    On risk and development trend of international financial market

    by Jianping Lan

    Financial Forum, Vol.6, No.1, 2018; 242 Views, 11 PDF Downloads

    China joins in WTO since , As the market continues to open , International Transfer of goods and services , International Transfer of clothing , Forex Trading ,Gold output input , This will cause all aspects of the operation of the inter-international monetary system to be closely related to the international financial markets. , So in the international arena , the Interstate Financial market becomes very important . Clothing article describes the The meaning of international financial markets , effect ,feature , and analyzes the risks that are likely to occur in international financial markets and the development of international financial markets .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 469

    Ring border and social will wind insurance tube

    by xia Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.6, No.1, 2018; 131 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    This article combs the international Financial company's environmental and social risk management reform process, and set up the relevant econometric model, empirical points analyzes the International Financial Company's environmental and social risk management of the role of its financial performance. based on long-term cointegration and error-correction model estimation knots Show,IFC Environment and social risk management have a significant positive effect on financial performance. Through an empirical analysis of international financial firms, the causes the domestic banking industry to recognize the concept of environmental and social risk management, so as to promote the further implementation of environmental and social risk management by domestic banks.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 470

    The spillover of the wave-bream in the inter-State financial market and its dynamic characteristics

    by Dexu He

    Financial Forum, Vol.6, No.1, 2018; 186 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    in DCC - GARCH , DCC - egarch , DCC - tgarch Method , takes a medium , Beautiful , Day , Germany , UK etc countries 1993 year 1 Month to 2013 year month Financial data , empirically draws the following knot comment : Sample Domestic market rate and index volatility present spikes , fat tail , biased features ,more compliant t divide cloth . -like domestic market interest rate fluctuations show significant spillover effects , leverage effect and linkage effect . Sample Country shares the spillover effect of volatility on Chinese stock index volatility tends to increase , especially after the US financial crisis . Sample Country interest rate fluctuation has a certain spillover effect and leverage effect on Chinese stock index volatility , but the Impact is very low . governance Worldwide financial risks ,National authorities should strengthen policy coordination , Reasonable risk sharing .