Vol 10, No 3 (Published)

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  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2366

    A Summary of the Research on the Top Management Team of Colleges and Universities

    by Feng Han

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 92 Views, 13 PDF Downloads

    The current academic research on top management teams (TMT) focuses on the characteristics of TMT, the relationship between TMT and organizational performance, and the relationship between TMT organizational strategy and organizational performance. The research on TMT in colleges and universities mainly focuses on the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee. As a team that formulates development strategies, conduct ing performance management and stakeholder management, involving top talent evaluation, and other issues management, standing in a forward-looking position. Team operation plays an important role in performance improvement. The top management team is important for colleges and universities. The growth of the team plays a positive role.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2221

    Analysis on the Regional Types and Evolution Modes of Grain Production in China

    by Hang Yao, Xichang Yao, Yonggang Zhang, Yuan Li, Junsheng Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 70 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    By adopting the spatial transfer coefficient of grain production, this article divides the 31 provinces in China into three regional types of grain production, and on this basis, into six production evolution modes. This article studies the production and marketing structure of China in recent years by studying the regional types and the evolution modes of grain production, aiming at providing stronger theoretical support for the future development of grain production in China.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2351

    The Internal Relationship and Strategic Docking Between China's Free Trade Zone Services and the "Belt and Road Initiative"

    by LingYan Meng

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 157 Views, 8 PDF Downloads

    In the context of the continuous deepening of the global economy and the adjustment and reconstruction of international economic and trade rules, China has proposed the development model of the "Belt and Road". The current development of China's "Belt and Road" and free trade zone services are all for better economic development. The strategies proposed are all new explorations of China's economic development in the new period of reform and opening up. China’s free trade zone serves as the economic foundation of the “Belt and Road”, and the “Belt and Road” construction is an extension of the economic development of the free trade zone. The scope of the “Belt and Road” is to strengthen economic cooperation and enhance the economic closeness with other regions, to a certain extent, the promotion of the "Belt and Road" can improve China's status and influence in the international status. Both the "Belt and Road" initiative and the establishment of China's free trade zone hope to realize the freedom of economic and trade activities and promote economic development in a good environment. The two strategies of the free trade zone and the “Belt and Road” strategy have continued to integrate, innovate and develop in terms of cultural exchanges, economic cooperation, and institutional learning. In order to make China's free trade zone and the "Belt and Road" have a deeper development, China still needs to go all out to optimize the construction of related systems in the future. Constantly optimizing the love makes it possible to achieve better results in both the free trade zone and the "Belt and Road", because the two promote the sound development of China's economy in order to provide the country's long-term development strategy with an economic financial foundation.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2360

    IPO Performance and Trademark

    by Qian Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 124 Views, 8 PDF Downloads

    This study considers the relationship between trademark and IPO performance based on the 400 companies which went to public during 2012-2016 (before the trade disputes). The findings indicated that trademark could be a sign for IPO performance. In addition, the study illustrated IPO performance was related to ROA ratio before IPO. As for the method used in this study, I choose the linear regression model and logistic regression model to examine the hypotheses. The three hypotheses in this study are all related to the topic of trademark and IPO performance. Further, this study proved the positive relationship between trademark application times and money collected at IPO.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2367

    Innovation and Research of Commercial Economic Model under the Background of Economic Globalization

    by Xinlai Sun

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 105 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    The globalization of capital has promoted the average growth of the economy. While distributing the fruits of economic growth, the majority of people pay more attention to the higher demand for material life. The increase in power consumption has brought about a change in consumption concepts. Millennials are the main force in the consumer market. On the one hand, due to economic conditions, reasonable consumption is required. On the other hand, they pursue the luxury and pleasure of a materialistic society. The globalized business process in the contemporary world seems to be continuously enhanced under the drive of economic globalization. What followed is that political multi-polarization has become more intense, cultural diversity has increased, and the pace and boundaries of scientific and technological informationization have increased. In the context of globalization, the rational logic of advancing the "four modernizations" undoubtedly provides impetus for the process of bringing people to peace and prosperity in the future, and clearly shows the many reasons for the theme of this period, so it is more comprehensive and in-depth development. There are many possibilities for human society to move towards modern commercial civilization.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2368

    What Determines Supply Chain Risk in the Age of Globalization? Implications for Procurement and Logistics Risk Management

    by Yi Guo

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.3, 2021; 181 Views, 31 PDF Downloads

    Supply chain is one of the most important parts for the company and supply chain management plays an increasingly important role in business development. Supply chain risk has become a major obstacle to supply chain management, and it makes a deep influence on company`s operation and development. The intricacies of the supply chain network structure, the external environment of uncertainty and supply chain managers excessive pursuit of lean, making the supply chain is vulnerability and the supply chain is increasingly vulnerable to various risks impact. Lean supply chain system which more and more companies used can provide the potential benefits, but with the pursuing the ability to respond faster and at lower cost, this system is becoming more and more fragile, and the impact of risks and uncertainties should be more sensitive. Globalization let supply chain have become more uncertainties. The company`s procurement and logistics part have covered different countries or area, which lead to the supply chain risk higher than before. This paper analyses the background and definition of supply chain risk in procurement and logistics. And collect and analyse the risk management method to assess, evaluate, identify, and manage supply chain risk.