Vol 10, No 2 (Published)

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  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2107

    Study on the Financial Performance of Yunnan Baiyao in the Context of Mixed Ownership Reform

    by Dan Ni

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 354 Views, 25 PDF Downloads

    Since the 18th Party Congress, the reform of state-owned enterprises has entered a pilot phase and accelerated. To improve corporate performance, a large number of outstanding enterprises have carried out mixed ownership reform. As a major restructured enterprise in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Baiyao's performance capability has been declining year by year under the influence of medical industry consolidation, but its brand value is high, so Yunnan's state-owned assets department has carried out mixed ownership reform of Yunnan Baiyao in order to be able to improve the financial performance of the enterprise. Using Yunnan Baiyao as a case study, this paper describes the process and motivation of the mixed ownership reform of Yunnan Baiyao, and analyzes the financial performance of Yunnan Baiyao before and after the mixed ownership reform in four dimensions, including profitability, solvency, development, and operational capacity, and the results show that the financial performance of the enterprise has been enhanced after the mixed ownership.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1942

    Analysis on the Effect of Willow Weaving Service Industry Development in County Industry ——Based on Funan Willow

    by Huayue Zhu

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 93 Views, 12 PDF Downloads

    Due to the lack of service innovation awareness, the wicker service industry has gradually been ignored by the market in recent years. In order to solve the problem, this article analyzes the entire industry of Funan willows through survey data, and measures the density of Funan willows by using the location quotient, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of Funan willows by SWTO analysis and financial statements. In this paper, financial statements are used to analyze the cash flow of the willow company within a certain period of time. The results show that the financial situation of the willow service industry is promising. Therefore, we recommend that the willow service industry achieves its own development by building a reputation brand and relying on the effect of industrial agglomeration to promote the development of the county industry.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1649

    Research on the Influence of Venture Financing on Enterprise Growth

    by Yitong Niu, Linqian Jiao

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 84 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    Innovation is the core force of economic development and social progress. Entrepreneurship, as the foundation of innovation, leads the development trend of the times. A large number of innovative enterprises are constantly emerging, providing a powerful impetus for economic growth. However, the high risk of start-up enterprises will inevitably lead to financing difficulties. The participation of venture financing can obviously affect the growth efficiency and efficiency of enterprises, and the capital expansion ability, profitability, solvency, operation ability and innovation ability of enterprises with venture financing are better than those without venture financing; The background and financing type of venture capital will also affect the solvency and operational ability of enterprises to varying degrees; However, the risk financing participation and its characteristic variables have no significant influence on enterprise management ability. Risk financing has a time effect on the growth efficiency of enterprises, and its effect weakens with the increase of years. This paper analyzes the effect of venture financing on the growth of enterprises accurately, and provides reference for venture enterprises to strive for venture capital and increase the growth of fans.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1837

    Research on the efficiency of public investment from the perspective of performance audit

    by Xiulin Xu, Huan Liu, Lihong Yang

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 113 Views, 7 PDF Downloads

    Public investment is an important means of promoting stable economic development, quelling economic fluctuations, and the government’s macro-control. However, in the process of my country’s continuous deepening of reforms, public investment has exposed problems such as waste of resources, corruption, and policy incoherence. The performance level of public investment is relatively low. Based on the perspective of performance auditing, this article discusses the key points of public investment performance auditing, the institutional issues of public investment and the path of influence on public investment. Finally, this article puts forward policy opinions on improving public investment performance through public investment performance auditing.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1944

    Application of Fama-Fench three-factor model in Chinese A-share market --Based on SVM machine learning model

    by Pengyun Wang, Guanying Dai, Weixin Zhang

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 110 Views, 8 PDF Downloads

    How to apply machine learning in the field of financial investment has been a hot research topic in academia and finance. In this paper, the support vector machine method (SVM) in machine learning is combined with Fama-Fench three-factor model to construct a new quantitative investment strategy, and the empirical analysis is carried out by using A-shares. Research shows that support vector machine (SVM) combined with the traditional three-factor model can build a more effective portfolio.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2105

    How can China’s Free Trade Zones Meet the International Advanced Standards?

    by LingYan Meng

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 123 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    There is little difference between a free trade zone (FTZ) and a free trade port. Relatively speaking, a free trade port enjoys a wider degree of openness and can be exempted from customs supervision in a border area. Although certain achievements have been made during China's free trade zones construction with the development of global economy, there are still some shortcomings compared with other zones abroad. Therefore, China must build and reform FTZs based on its own economic situation, laws, regulations and market demands if China wants to build a more competitive and open free trade zones to have a stronger influence in the new round of international economic competition.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1836

    Problems and measures of prudence principle in Enterprise Accounting

    by Linjie Wang

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 128 Views, 12 PDF Downloads

    In the market economy environment, the production and operation activities of enterprises are faced with many risks and uncertainties. Therefore, the financial personnel should always keep a cool head and fully consider the uncertain factors, so as to minimize the risks of the company and maximize the benefits. Therefore, starting from the connotation analysis of the principle of accounting prudence, this paper analyzes the conflict of the principle of prudence in enterprise accounting, and obtains the corresponding improvement measures, so that the principle of prudence can be reasonably applied in accounting practice.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 2240

    Research on Reducing Foreign Exchange Risks by Foreign Exchange Derivatives -- Taking China Foreign Trade Companies as an Example

    by Yuhan Ma

    Financial Forum, Vol.10, No.2, 2021; 131 Views, 14 PDF Downloads

    With the deepening of international trade, the foreign exchange risk exposure of foreign trade companies is gradually being valued in the international market, and foreign exchange risks are also the main risks that Chinese foreign trade companies need to avoid. This article analyzes the reduction of foreign exchange risks from both the internal and external aspects of the company, focusing on the value-preserving role of foreign exchange derivatives in transactions, and making suggestions for the steady operation of foreign trade companies. Â