Vol 5, No 1 (Published)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 471

    An analysis of the development trend and characteristics of interna-tional financial market

    by Zhenwei Zhao

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.1, 2018; 150 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    China joins the international WTO , In the development of our country, the economic level has also been enhanced by leaps and bounds . China's financial market and the international financial market field Fusion provides more lucrative market resources for our enterprises at the same time , Also makes our country enterprise will face more intense market competition . Developing international financial markets Potential and features analysis , Guide China's enterprises in the development and reform process to identify the development of international financial market trends and characteristics , adapt to the trend of the times with a direction of development and perfect itself , and then for a broader space of development and an ideal development Outlook .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 472

    Four new changes in world capitalism since the international financial crisis

    by Zhiming Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.1, 2018; 181 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    Neoliberal Halo loses , frequently challenged and criticized ; state capitalism is sacrificed as a banner of western capitalist countries , to respond to theInternational financial crisis , to rise Again ; to realize the innovation and redemption of capitalism , new Capitalism becomes the subject of Western opinion ; Max hot" rising again , These are the four new changes that have emerged in world capitalism since the international financial crisis .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 473

    Privileges and immunities of the Developmental International Finan-cial organization

    by changlong Zhang

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.1, 2018; 217 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    The acquisition of privileges and immunities of the Developmental International Financial organization has its jurisprudence and legal basis . as a special international organization , their privileges and The scope of the exemption is subject to many restrictions . however , from the foundational agreements of the developmental international financial organizations and the provisions and practices of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities , the scope of privileges and immunities currently enjoyed by the developmental international Financial organization is moderate , is sufficient to effectively perform its functions and achieve its purpose . China's Legal documents General and special provisions on the privileges and Immunities of the Developmental International Financial Organization in China .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 474

    Shanghai International Financial Center based on grey relational methodRelationship with Shanghai International Shipping Center

    by Yuse Sun

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.1, 2018; 172 Views, 9 PDF Downloads

    In order to better play the linkage between Shanghai International Financial Center and Shanghai International Shipping Center, from the quantitative point of view, through the construction of Evaluation Index system, the relationship between Shanghai International Financial Center and Shanghai International Shipping Center is gray off analysis. The results show that there is a strong correlation between the international financial Center and the International Shipping center, and the influence of the financial industry on the shipping industry is greater than that of the shipping industry. On this basis, put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions: the development of Shanghai shipping industry; to Improve the modern shipping service industry chain; To further develop the financial industry in Shanghai, to introduce corresponding supporting policies; to foster and introduce a compound High-quality shipping financial talent.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 475

    The trend of international financial supervision system reform before and after the financial crisisã€Experience and Revelation

    by weiliang Xia

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.1, 2018; 159 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    Financial supervision system as the basis of standardizing financial marketZhongchuSexDegree,In the aftermath of the international financial crisis, the Organization frameFrameByStep To the unified supervision ofDu、Prudential supervision and behavioral supervisionTubePhaseFrom、Strengthen consumer protectionNursing、Strengthen the CentralBank postsRightSpecialSyndrome,Our country isThere are separation supervision system and current gold merge create new、Mixed operation of financial industry is not suitableShould,At the same time divide the industryThe policy objectives of regulation exist betweenRushed Process. China shouldBorrowInternational experience keeps updating regulatoryRead,Perfect supervisionBodySystem,Strengthening the protection of financial consumers ' rights and interests,That's rightProcessing of goldthe level between regulatory and financial innovation balance.