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moreVol 4, No 1 (Published)
Open Access
Article ID: 476
BRICS bank's relationship with existing international financial insti-tutions: A perspective based on complementary competitionby fang Ye
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 171 Views, 9 PDF Downloads
The BRICS Bank is a filling of the huge demand gap for developing countries ' developmental financial products under the existing International monetary system ; The Brics bank and the World Bank's to eliminate global poverty and promote global sustainable development goals a Sex , makes the collaboration between the two widely available Universal Space ; How to support the development of developing countries more effectively is the BRICS bank and the existing international financial institutions at present and future competition content , is also the driving force behind the reform of existing international financial institutions and the International monetary System . Relationship between the BRICS Bank and existing international financial institutions , complementary to dominant at this stage , Future Competition-driven , Regardless of the stage , complementarity and competition are all embodied in the mutual promotion of the relationship ; Dynamic development of complementary competitive relationships , will make the reform of the international monetary system more reasonable , Fair , in a valid direction .
Open Access
Article ID: 477
German banks in the context of the international financial crisis system discussion-- functional structuralismby Kun Hu
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 153 Views, 7 PDF Downloads
different types of bank business focus different , Performs its own duties three pillar architecture is a German bank body The significant underlying features of the are . in Europe _ in a wave of global financial liberalisation , this 1 Traditional banking system The existence of the structure hinders the overall competitiveness and efficiency of the German banking industry , Scale sickness . however , face international Impact of financial crisis " inefficient " "" three pillar architecture " effectively protects the basic stability of German banking , and The German real economy provides a steady stream of financial support . , thus effectively boosting the German economy's contrarian growth .
Open Access
Article ID: 478
Research on microeconomic fundamentals of international financial Risk transmission : based on company data Angleby hongquan Li
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 151 Views, 9 PDF Downloads
The Global spread of financial integration and financial turmoil is a prominent feature of international financial markets today . This , through corporate data research aims to uncover microeconomic fundamentals of linkage and contagion . specifically , This article is built _ Sample of macro-microeconomic characteristics of typical listed companies in China , subprime crisis in America machine and subsequent euro debt crisis for typical events , Study and reveal the contagion of international financial market to China's capital market Channel and its heterogeneity impact . results show : companies with export competition in crisis countries , Direct trade with crisis state easy to exchange company , And companies that are more reliant on short-term debt are performing worse during the crisis . Research conclusion Validate product competitiveness , revenue effects and credit crunch are the main channels for contagion. , and illiquid assets Combination adjustment pressure does not appear on our market .
Open Access
Article ID: 479
SIFIs the function and revelation of international rules for crisis dis-posalby jinliang Guo
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 135 Views, 10 PDF Downloads
SIFIs Crisis Disposal International rules are an important part of the international rules of financial Regulation , But these international rules are in the legal The nature remains controversial . from the principles of international law and existing research can be summed up the , These rules should belong to international practice . See the applicable effects and rule requirements in practice for These international rules , SIFIs Crisis Disposal International rules are bound to strengthen governance norms in international financial governance Force and Balance " power diversity Important features of the conflict of interest in the pattern . so , the study of such rules should focus on the rules content of the Hardening of concrete design and rules actual constraint effects ,Actively promote China's role in rule design and international financial governance .
Open Access
Article ID: 480
Under the vision of global governance - Public participation in inter-national financial legislation and China's choiceby xiaojing Zhang
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 130 Views, 7 PDF Downloads
as global governance grows in depth,International Finance and Labor,Environment,Health,issues such as education showtighterContact,Thismeans that the public should participate in international financial legislation with traditional governing bodies.however,Practice Public ParticipationThepath does not meet public interest claims and basic rights maintenance.so,must conform to the development trend of global financial governancepotential, All-round,provide institutional guarantees for public participation in legislation from multiple angles:achieving stability in public participation legislation;ensure publicparticipate in the order of legislation;The possibility of increasing publicaccountability.China should draw on the experience of developed countries, ononehandFosterHighquality public groups,improve their international influence, onThe other hand lower NGO and other public groups access doorthreshold,Building a complete access management,thereby enhancing the discourse power of international financial legislation.