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moreVol 2, No 1 (Published)
Open Access
Article ID: 486
Capital account convertibility and the construction of Shanghai In-ternational Financial Center-------from the perspective of empirical Test of QFIIby Bo Zhang
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 2644 Views, 8 PDF Downloads
12th "five-year plan" has set "construction of Shanghai International Financial Center" as a Strategic Target.However, compared with traditional international financial centers, Shanghai still.One factor which restrains the development of Shanghai would as partial of capital account as it openness the hindersTal Flow and hampers the financial institutions to promote their competitive advantages through agglomeration.This article studies the relationship between openness accounts of capital agglomeration and the effect by empiricalSIS based on QFII data, the results indicating that it improves agglomeration effect of financial institutionsThe limited opennessof capital accounts and help to form the Shanghai International Financial Center.
Open Access
Article ID: 487
International financial Network and its structural characteristicsby Yuan Zhu
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 169 Views, 6 PDF Downloads
In this paper, the author makes an empirical study on the topological structure and related properties of investment networks in international financial markets by using complex network theory . Research Discovery , International Financial Network not only shows a more obvious group structure characteristics and network homogeneity nature , and belong to a typical scale-free network . Although the international financial integration process is advancing gradually , However, the imbalance of financial resource flows caused by financial agglomeration is still more obvious , A handful of international financial Centre Palms The holds most financial resources . where ,China Hong Kong as the most important regional financial centre for Asian financial Markets is an important investment fund in mainland China source , The future relies on China's financial development reform , is expected to become a first-class international financial center .
Open Access
Article ID: 488
Research on transmission mechanism of international financial crisisby xianbo Lu
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 158 Views, 7 PDF Downloads
The financial crisis has been around people since the beginning of economic activity. No one wants the financial crisis to come,In the event of international financial crisis Machine,People's lives will be severely affected.,Tens of thousands of workers will face unemployment,The collapse of countless enterprises,But it was almost without warning before it arrived..The United States belongs to The most developed countries in the international economy,Many companies in the world have direct or indirect links with the United States,In 2007 Years,Subprime mortgage crisis in America,Cause global Fan Wai Many countries affected,Then the financial crisis broke out,Seriously constraining global economic development.So,Studying the conduction mechanism of the international financial crisis becomes the modern society Key problem.
Open Access
Article ID: 489
The Impact of the International Financial Crisis on the export-orientedby Tao Sun
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 149 Views, 5 PDF Downloads
through Assessment - the impact of the International financial crisis on the Development a export-oriented Economy , It is found then in context to the financialcrisis , countries' Export growth slowed , import and export Enterprises synchronized downturn of economic growth , export- oriented economic Development situation hasbecome very Bad. . The reason for This situation is so the International Financial crisis has * led to weaker Demand in Foreign markets, Trade protectionism ridden , bad Foreign trade Environment . For this phenomenon, on Process of Economic globalization, Governments and Enterprises have to Enhance Awareness of the Financial crisis, actively expand Domestic demand in This Government level , No over-reliance on foreign Economy; Companies continue to Develop new Markets, improve Product quality , Adjust International Settlement, reducing the financial crisis on their own blow .
Open Access
Article ID: 490
Comparative Study of International Financial institutions "an-ti-money laundering Regulatory Information Management Systemby yanwei Wang
Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 240 Views, 10 PDF Downloads
improving the anti-money laundering regulatory Information management system of Chinese financial. Institutions would help improve the efficiency of anti-money laundering Regulation, fully utilize the limited resources, and ensure the successful implementation of the RMB internationalization strategy. [method/process] taking the international financial institutions " Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Information Management system as the study objective, social network analysis as the main Comparative analysis of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory information Management system in three MA Jor international financial institutions from mainland, SAR, and the Kong United are States out. [result/conclusion] The findings in thisstudy can Help realize the potential value of financial institution ' customers, academic s, and effectively activate the intrinsic motivation in financial institutions for improved anti-money laundering RY Information Management.