Vol 1, No 1 (Published)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 491

    On financial agglomeration and International financial Center: Theo-retical research on construction -- perspective based on dynamic sto-chastic general equilibrium system and message impact

    by yu Wang

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 160 Views, 6 PDF Downloads

    based on the characteristics of China's financial market and the construction of Shanghai International Financial Center National Strategy , Building a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for financial agglomeration . through Calibration and Bayesian estimates for model structure parameters , Policy experimental analysis found :a) Lower gold Rong employee Income tax , Investor's financial assets income tax and financial sales tax Benefit Financial gathering ,Permanent tax change policy is strongest ; a ) Implementation encourage financial innovation main strategy , effectively promote financial agglomeration ; a )Financial Center construction " message Impact Shadows Ring expected , Whether the international financial centre can be built as scheduled will significantly affect the scale and speed of financial agglomeration.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 492

    Research progress of monetary policy and international capital flow in the post-financial crisis era

    by Huangyi Shi

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 171 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    after the financial crisis , Significant changes have taken place in the structure and shape of international capital flows . on the one hand , due to widespread implementation in developed countries with quantitative easing to Unconventional monetary policy represented by causes ultra-low interest rates , International Mobilitychasing Benefits mass flow to emerging market economies . on the other hand , Emerging Markets by the company issues bonds in developed countries such as dollars ,Transfer the monetary policy and financing conditions of developed economies to domestic . new The difficulty of financial regulation in market economies and the increased vulnerability of the economy , The independence of monetary policy is also subject to great challenges . in the review of the literature on the basis of , This article argues that a certain degree of capital control policy in the short term helps prevent the sudden jump in international capital. , Improve the overall stability of economies .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 493

    The positioning and inclusiveness of financial cooperation in BRICS countries - Perspective on International Financial public products

    by Hongzhong Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.0, No.0, 2018; 133 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    The financial cooperation of BRICS countries is essentially the supply of international financial public goods . International Financial public products have their own body traits , through its supply incentives and " Containment triangle " to analyze the positioning and promotion of financial cooperation in the BRICS countries measures . Brics in the supply of international financial public products , need to pay more attention to the ownership of products and the existing system tolerance . The BRICS bank is required to extend the loan in the destination country , Actively invite other emerging economies to join and maintain post-accession benefits to promote the package compliance and contingency reserve arrangements can increase inclusiveness by absorbing more Member States ,and can regulate macroeconomic risk in emerging economies enhance cooperation , Setting up a permanent secretariat in due course , pushing BRICS countries to set up the IMF