Vol 9, No 3 (Published)

Full Issue

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1074

    On the Practical Application of Financial Engineering in Corporate Financial Management

    by Xi Xie

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 329 Views, 7 PDF Downloads

    The proportion of income and operating expenses will be out of balance once there is no appropriate financial management on the basic finance of corporate operation. The improving of corporate financial management has become the focus of many companies, especially for modern enterprises of strong competitiveness. However, many Chinese companies still adopt traditional financial management techniques, and their effects of risk management are obviously decreasing. Financial engineering is beneficial to the implementation of company’s new management plans. It is essential and plays a critical role in all aspects of business operations. Improvement and innovation should also be made with effort in the process of application.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1085

    Analysis on Corporate Financial Engineering and Financial Management Innovation

    by Yuxuan Liu

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 460 Views, 19 PDF Downloads

    Corporate financial engineering refers to the use of advanced mathematical and communication techniques to solve financial problems for the maximization of company’s own interests. The techniques are used for innovative designs regarding financial tools and means, and also for devising and implementing financial products. As for corporate financial management, it is the basic guarantee for operating a company. For both the company and its internal and external activities, the support from financial management is inseparable. Financial management is an important link to balance the benefits and costs generated in the process of corporate operation. This article analyzes and explores the effects of the application of financial engineering in financial management.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1100

    Impact of the Carbon Labelling System on China’s International Trade and Countermeasures

    by Yupei Chen

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 240 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    Increasingly serious climate change and environmental problems threaten the survival and development of mankind, carbon labeling as a new marketing model has attracted the attention of countries. Although the carbon labeling system can promote the upgrading and transformation of Chinese enterprises to a certain extent, the implementation of this system is also prone to create de facto invisible trade barriers, which will have different degrees of negative impact on the trade exports of Chinese products. Therefore, China should actively take a series of measures to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of foreign trade.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1101

    Analysis of the Role of Macroeconomic Policies in the Financial Market Development

    by Haisheng Hu

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 141 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    Macroeconomics and microeconomics are two different categories of national economics, and both play vital roles in stimulating the economy. Especially in financial market development, they are interdependent and complement one another. Therefore, by starting with the status of national macroeconomic policies, this article analyzes the role of macroeconomic policies in the development of financial markets, and analyzes the practical cases, which can provide reference for the applied policies in the current financial market.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1275

    Recruitment and Selection

    by Jiawen Liang

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 329 Views, 38 PDF Downloads

    With the deepening of economic globalization, the essential competition between enterprises is the competition of talents. And how to attract and retain competitive talents has become the key of the survival and development of enterprises. Recruitment is an important way for an enterprise to obtain excellent human resources. Only by acquiring and cultivating the appropriate human resources of the enterprise firstly, and then adopting scientific methods, can the goal of organization be achieved to the maximum extent. Thus, it can be seen easily that the success or failure of recruitment affect the efficiency of enterprise operation and even the survival and development of the enterprise. This article tries to analyze the characteristics of recruitment.

  • Open Access

    Original Research Articles

    Article ID: 1277

    Research on the Promotion Path of College Students’ Returning Home to Start Businesses under the Background of Rural Revitalization

    by Qiong Ou, Youwei Chen, Min Peng

    Financial Forum, Vol.9, No.3, 2020; 221 Views, 14 PDF Downloads

    China has vigorously promoted rural revitalization in recent years. Under such background, there are more and more opportunities for college students to return home to start businesses, as well as for employment. Rural revitalization is mainly explored from three paths, namely local characteristic agricultural industry, rural tourism and rural Internet industry. To realize the success of college students’ entrepreneurship back to hometown, it is necessary to improve their entrepreneurial awareness, strengthen the cultivation of their entrepreneurial ability, and set up a system about rural entrepreneurial knowledge. Through improving college students’ entrepreneurial awareness and ability, it is conducive to efficiently collecting and integrating resources and improving their ability of controlling entrepreneurial risks. This article explores and analyzes the promotion path of college students’ returning home to start businesses under the background of rural revitalization, aiming to enhance students’ ability of starting businesses in their hometowns, and promote the revitalization of China’s rural economy.