An Analysis of the Impact of Financial Technology on the Development of Internet Finance

  • Jiahe Liu China Three Gorges University
  • Shipu Huang China Three Gorges University
Ariticle ID: 897
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Keywords: Fintech, Internet Finance, Development, Impact


Nowadays, with the continuous development of modern technology, technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data have promoted the rapid development and transformation of my country's traditional financial industry. From the traditional gold and silver standard and bank notes, to the rapid rise and development of electronic payment, mobile payment, digital currency and wealth management, China's Internet finance has achieved better and faster development. This article mainly studies the relative impact of fintech on the development of Internet finance, and aims to make better use of fintech for financial management, to promote the better execution efficiency of financial-related circulation, and to promote the development of China's financial industry, which is also more informatized, modernized and intelligent.


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How to Cite
Liu, J., & Huang, S. (2020). An Analysis of the Impact of Financial Technology on the Development of Internet Finance. Financial Forum, 9(2), 126-128.
Original Research Article