Suggestions to Alleviate the Financing Risks of Family Farmers: Based on the Investigation Report of Pig Farmers in Jiulongshan Town, Kaizhou District, Chongqing

  • Xin Gao Chongqing University of Technology
  • Hong Chen
  • Yuyi Chen
  • Yuyang Feng
  • Zixuan Cai
  • Hong Cheng
Ariticle ID: 876
205 Views, 19 PDF Downloads
Keywords: Family Farm, Financing Risk, Countermeasure, Suggestion


In 2013, the Central Document No. 1 first proposed the concept of "family farm". As an important part of rural economic development, family farms have increasingly significant financing risks. The No. 1 document of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2018 proposed a strategy to overcome poverty and achieve rural revitalization. Therefore, it is of great value and significance to study the financing risks of family farmers and explore solutions. This article is based on an in-depth investigation and analysis of the farm development status, land circulation, and mortgage financing of family farm land contract management rights in Jiulongshan Town, Kaizhou District, Chongqing. In addition, it also investigates the implementation and publicity of the financial support policies of rural commercial banks, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Postal Savings Bank on family farmer financing. Finally, the existing problems are analyzed and relevant policy suggestions are put forward.


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How to Cite
Gao, X., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Cai, Z., & Cheng, H. (2020). Suggestions to Alleviate the Financing Risks of Family Farmers: Based on the Investigation Report of Pig Farmers in Jiulongshan Town, Kaizhou District, Chongqing. Financial Forum, 9(2), 87-91.
Original Research Article