CEO’s Emotional Intelligence and ownership concentration efficiency: Evidence from Tunisia

  • Mohamed AA
  • Anis J
Ariticle ID: 684
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Keywords: Emotional intelligence, CEO emotional biases, Corporate governance, ownersghip concentration efficiency.


This article deals with the relationship existing between the emotional aspect and decision-making processes. More specifically, it examines the links between emotional Intelligence and the ownership concentration. I will use logistic binary regression ) to examine this relation: every model treats the relationship between emotional intelligence and one of efficiency criteria of the ownership structure. Emotional intelligence has been measured according to the scale of Schutte and al (Shutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Scale, SSREI, Shuttle and al. 1998) with a high internal validity level. Regarding, The four cognitive biases they have been measured by means of a questionnaire comprising several items. As for the selected sample, it has been composed of some180 Tunisian executives (belonging to 60 firms). Our results have revealed that the presence of a high emotional intelligence rate is not always positively correlated with the executives’ suggestibility with respect to behavioural biases. They have also affirmed the existence of Substitutability between emotional intelligence and the Ownership structure disciplinary function
How to Cite
AA, M., & J, A. (2020). CEO’s Emotional Intelligence and ownership concentration efficiency: Evidence from Tunisia. Financial Forum.