International financial Network and its structural characteristics

  • Yuan Zhu
Ariticle ID: 487
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Keywords: International Financial Network, Empirical Analysis, Complex Network, topology, Financial Center


In this paper, the author makes an empirical study on the topological structure and related properties of investment networks in international financial markets by using complex network theory . Research Discovery , International Financial Network not only shows a more obvious group structure characteristics and network homogeneity nature , and belong to a typical scale-free network . Although the international financial integration process is advancing gradually , However, the imbalance of financial resource flows caused by financial agglomeration is still more obvious , A handful of international financial Centre Palms The holds most financial resources . where ,China Hong Kong as the most important regional financial centre for Asian financial Markets is an important investment fund in mainland China source , The future relies on China's financial development reform , is expected to become a first-class international financial center .


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How to Cite
Zhu, Y. (2018). International financial Network and its structural characteristics. Financial Forum.