Linqu County Scale Above Industrial Enterprises Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability Steadily Improved

  • Shijiang Li The Linqu County Bureau of Statistics
  • Xiaoli Yi The Linqu County Bureau of Statistics
  • Jingfen Chen The Linqu County Bureau of Statistics
Ariticle ID: 2906
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Keywords: Industrial Enterprises, Technological Innovation, Ability, Strategy


At the present stage, in order to make the Linqu County scale above industrial enterprises scientific and technological innovation ability to be improved.Linqu County strive to build a wide benefit, efficient and coordinated innovation support policy system, give full play to the effectiveness of tax policy, maximize the innovation potential of the whole society, for the county new growth energy conversion cast a strong innovation engine.


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How to Cite
Li, S., Yi, X., & Chen, J. (2022). Linqu County Scale Above Industrial Enterprises Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability Steadily Improved. Financial Forum, 11(2), 14-17.
Original Research Article