Research on the Choice and Control Strategy of Pharmaceutical Enterprises' Marketing Channels in the New Media Era

  • Wei Liu Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
Ariticle ID: 2618
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Keywords: New Media Era, Pharmaceutical Enterprises, Marketing Channels


Today, the development of new media has become the mainstream of the Times, and the relationship between all walks of life and new media is getting closer and closer. In short, more and more businesses and some small and medium-sized enterprises are also actively establishing their own WeChat companies, hoping to expand the influence of corporate communication through new media channels and explore more potential customers. The market is becoming increasingly competitive for a company, especially in the context of China 2025. In order to adapt to the trend of the Times, enterprises must strengthen brand construction. In this context, pharmaceutical enterprises innovate, develop and improve the quality and ability of marketing management has become the focus of its modernization and sustainable development. In view of this, based on the marketing channels of pharmaceutical enterprises, starting from the marketing environment under the background of the new media era, this paper analyzes and draws lessons from the selection and control strategy of the marketing path of pharmaceutical enterprises in China.


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