Research on the Host Country's Regulatory Power in the Situation of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak

  • Longge Su Xinjiang University
Ariticle ID: 2616
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Keywords: National Regulatory Power, International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism, New Crown Epidemic


In the process of combating the Newcastle pneumonia epidemic, shutdown measures taken by countries may harm the legitimate interests of foreign investors, and when foreign investors use the international investment dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism to arbitrate with the host country, the purpose of international investment agreements (IIAs), which tends to protect the interests of investors, tends to be constantly expanded and used to the neglect of the host country's regulatory power. This is due both to the lack of clarity of certain provisions and to the inherent flaws of the ISDS mechanism. China should actively study the new changes in international investment rules, so that China can more favorably balance the interests of investors and host countries in the process of negotiating international investment agreements, and effectively safeguard the right of national regulation.


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How to Cite
Su, L. (2022). Research on the Host Country’s Regulatory Power in the Situation of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak. Financial Forum, 11(1), 1-5.
Original Research Article