A Summary of the Research on the Top Management Team of Colleges and Universities

  • Feng Han Shanghai Publishing and Printing College
Article ID: 2366
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Keywords: Top Management Team, Colleges and Universities, Heterogeneity Top Managers


The current academic research on top management teams (TMT) focuses on the characteristics of TMT, the relationship between TMT and organizational performance, and the relationship between TMT organizational strategy and organizational performance. The research on TMT in colleges and universities mainly focuses on the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee. As a team that formulates development strategies, conducting performance management and stakeholder management, involvingtop talent evaluation, and other issues management, standingin a forward-looking position. Team operation plays an important role in performance improvement. The top management team is important for colleges and universities. The growth of the team plays a positive role.


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How to Cite
Han, F. (2021). A Summary of the Research on the Top Management Team of Colleges and Universities. Financial Forum, 10(3), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.18282/ff.v10i3.2366
Original Research Article