Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Operation and Management of Qingcheng Post in Hohhot

  • Bojie Zhang Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
  • Suozhu Xi Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Ariticle ID: 1748
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Keywords: Hohhot City, Qingcheng Post, Countermeasures


The public health environment is the scale of urban civilization and the footnotes of national development. China's "toilet revolution" is still vigorously moving forward, and the object of revolution has expanded from private housing to public domain. This paper selects Qingcheng Post in Hohhot as the research object, from the perspective of public management, using the new public service theory and other discipline theory, using the method of investigation and literature research, investigates and analyzes the current situation of operation and management of Qingcheng Post, and then puts forward feasible suggestions and innovative development ideas.


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How to Cite
Zhang, B., & Xi, S. (2021). Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Operation and Management of Qingcheng Post in Hohhot. Financial Forum, 10(1), 97-101.
Original Research Article