Research on the Influence of Venture Financing on Enterprise Growth

  • Yitong Niu Sofia University
  • Linqian Jiao Northeast Forestry University
Ariticle ID: 1649
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Keywords: Entrepreneurial enterprises, Venture financing, Enterprise growth


Innovation is the core force of economic development and social progress. Entrepreneurship, as the foundation of innovation, leads the development trend of the times. A large number of innovative enterprises are constantly emerging, providing a powerful impetus for economic growth. However, the high risk of start-up enterprises will inevitably lead to financing difficulties. The participation of venture financing can obviously affect the growth efficiency and efficiency of enterprises, and the capital expansion ability, profitability, solvency, operation ability and innovation ability of enterprises with venture financing are better than those without venture financing; The background and financing type of venture capital will also affect the solvency and operational ability of enterprises to varying degrees; However, the risk financing participation and its characteristic variables have no significant influence on enterprise management ability. Risk financing has a time effect on the growth efficiency of enterprises, and its effect weakens with the increase of years. This paper analyzes the effect of venture financing on the growth of enterprises accurately, and provides reference for venture enterprises to strive for venture capital and increase the growth of fans.


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