How to achieve National Development: Chinese Achievement and State-building

  • HuiJi Wang DONG-A University
Ariticle ID: 1636
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Keywords: China, National Development, State-building


From the great geographical discovery to the formation of the world market, to the industrial revolution bringing mankind into the industrialized society, to the failure of industrialization in most emerging developing countries after World War II, the gap between the rich and the poor between countries has become larger and larger. However, China's economic development has been successful in recent decades. The failure of industrialization in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Eastern European countries and the success of China's economic development show that effective national construction is an important factor to ensure national prosperity and promote national rise. It can effectively explain the speed of China's economic development and contribute Chinese experience to the economic development of other countries in the world.


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How to Cite
Wang, H. (2021). How to achieve National Development: Chinese Achievement and State-building. Financial Forum, 10(1), 37-45.
Original Research Article