Analysis on the Influencing Factors of the Planning and Layout of New Energy Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

  • Can Zhang Tianjin University of Commerce
Ariticle ID: 1628
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Keywords: Charging Infrastructure, New Energy Vehicles, Planning Layout, Influencing Factors, Inventory


Although China’s new energy vehicle charging infrastructure has a certain scale, the problem of charging difficulties still exists, mainly due to the unreasonable layout of the charging infrastructure. The article relates to the factors affecting the planning and layout of the charging infrastructure after sorting out the literature and analyzing the process of formulating charging infrastructure plans in various regions at home and abroad. Combined with field research, it is determined that the main influencing factors affecting the planning and layout of charging infrastructure are: market factors, traffic factors, and administrative factors, and carry out in-depth analysis of them. The analysis will provide a basis for the reasonable layout of charging infrastructure in various places in the future.


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How to Cite
Zhang, C. (2021). Analysis on the Influencing Factors of the Planning and Layout of New Energy Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Financial Forum, 9(4), 257-261.
Original Research Article