Clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients afflicted with allergic asthma under immunotherapy

  • Falah Hasasn Hade Al Zahraa Consultant Centre for asthma and allergy Baghdad-Iraq
Ariticle ID: 714
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Keywords: Asthma, immunotherapy, allerg


Background: Allergy may be defined as a constellation of signs and symptoms in which the altered immunologic reaction between foreign substance (allergens) and antibodies resulting in pathologic reactions referred as allergic reactions.

Allergic asthma is well known type 1- allergic reaction Up to 30% of general population suffers from various form of this malady during normal life span .

Objective: To evaluate the effects of immunotherapy on groups of Iraqi people afflicted with allergic asthma through some clinical and laboratories tests

Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out on Iraqi patients ( males and famales) in AL-Zahraa Consultant Center for Allergy and Asthma in Baghdad - Karkh, between Nov. 2013 - Apr. 2014 .The study included 60 asthmatic patients ( 6 - 45 years old) whom had allergy to house  mites antigens " through skin test ",in addition to 20 apparently healthy persons as control group.A subcutaneous immunotherapy was given for 3 months, starting from diluted doses which were increased gradually. Clinical assessment was done depending on scoring of signs and symptoms, in addition to the medical history , clinical investigation, skin test, and pulmonary function test .

Results: Study showed that asthma still affected all age group but tend to be higher in age group 31-45 years with male to female ratio 2:1. Family history to allergic disease play a major role 60% with increase prevalence of reactivity for indoor allergy (House Mites and Moulds).

66.7% had positive skin reaction to House Mites which includes D1 ,D2 and D1+D2. The dust found to be one of main aggravating factors. Medical condition had shown significant improvement after three months of giving immunotherapy.

Conclusion: Immunotherapy need to be considered as one of alternative treatment of allergic asthma decreasing the side effects and cost of different drugs used by these patients when given regularly to them, also detection of prevalent allergens in our local atmosphere and their concentration with detection of their seasonal distribution in different parts of our country is required.


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How to Cite
Hade, F. H. (2019). Clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients afflicted with allergic asthma under immunotherapy. Reports in Clinical Studies and Medicine, 2(1), 1-4.