Perspective Material for Photoenergetics on the Basis of Silicon with Binary Elementary Cells
by M. K. Bakhadyrkhanov, U. X. Sodikov, Kh. M. Iliev, S. A. Tachilin, Tuerdi Wumaier
Materials Physics and Chemistry, Vol.4, No.1, 2022;
The paper proposes a scientifically-grounded, principally-new approach to managing the fundamental parameters of the basic material of electronic engineering as like silicon. The essence of the proposed approach is the formation of binary elementary cells in the silicon lattice involving elements III (B, Al, Ga, Zn) and V (P, As, Sb) groups in the form of Si2GaAs, Si2GaSb, etc. Taking electrical and chemical parameters of these impurity atoms into account, as well as their diffusion parameters in Si, the formation is determined by the most suitable pairs of atoms of groups III and V that allow obtaining silicon with the necessary composition and structure of binary elementary cells, as well as their more complex associations, up to the formation of nanocrystals of semiconductor connections AIIIBV. It is shown that by controlling the composition, structure and concentration of binary elementary cells, it is possible to significantly expand the spectral sensitivity of silicon, both in the IR and hλ > Eg directions. The formation of nanoclusters of AIIIBV semiconductor compounds in the silicon lattice significantly changes the emissivity of the material. It is established that the successive diffusion of elements of groups III and V in silicon and additional low-temperature annealing under certain thermodynamic conditions make it possible to ensure the maximum participation of the impurity atoms introduced in the formation of binary elementary cells. Silicon with binary elementary cells involving atoms of groups III and V is a new class of semiconductor material with unique functionality for modern optoelectronics and photoenergetics.