Vol. 4 No. 1 (2015)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 122

    Balanced acid-base therapy for the prevention and treatment of diabetic cardio-cerebrovascular disease

    by yun Liu

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.4, No.1, 2015; 179 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

     Purpose:Explore the prevention and treatment of diabetes,Effective methods for cardio-cerebrovascular disease.method:Psychotherapy,Diet therapy,Drug Therapy Comprehensive application,Balance the ph of the body.result:benefitPrevent and treat diabetes with balanced human acid-base,Cardio-cerebrovasculardisease all achieved satisfactory effect.conclusion:Balancing Human acid-base is prevention and treatment of diabetes,Effective methods for cardio-cerebrovascular disease.  

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 149

    molecular targeting drugs for treatment of lung cancer patientsPrevention of adverse skin reactions and their care

    by Yang Maijie

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.4, No.1, 2015; 166 Views, 4 PDF Downloads

    SelectEarSt2014year42015year4month period medicalHouseadmissionof lung cancerexample,tohavesufferfrom all accept molecular sacrificial drugsobjectsgoverningtherapy,by different caremethod divides patients into study Group and controlGroup,30-if•;where control group patients givetoroutine careapply,Research group Patientson theTand on the basis of newZealand treatment to totargeted care interventionsshi,Compare two groups of patients after treatment caused by skin notgoodrate of occurrence,•knotFruit:Study Group patientsElevelskin Adverse reactionssendLive rate to13.33%significantly belowtoIndra,Kingandto30.00%;ElevelasentenceThe incidence of inflammationto3.%Beansbelowcontrol group26.67% (p< 0.05)powerknottheory:SubsubearlyAdverse skin reactions to patients with lung cancer treated with drugs,should take targeted prevention and care measuresapply,Reduce skin undesirablereaction to occurstroke,relieve patient pain,improve compliance with treatmentsex,branchgood match againstmonthmediumpainruleTherapy,improve the quality of volunteersQuantityF

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 153

    Observation on the efficacy of pneumatic therapeutic apparatus in preventing deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity in long-bed elderly patients

    by Liu qingqing

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.4, No.1, 2015; 131 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    MeshExploreThe effect ofpneumatic therapeutic instrument on preventionof deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity in elderly patients with long periodFruit.Thesquaremethod2012Years2monthto2013Years6Month106elderly patients who have been bedridden for a long time are randomly divided into treatment groups and controlsGroup,perGroup53Cases.treatment Group enablesTHT815POWER - Q6000Pneumatic TherapyHealingDoubledownlimb,the control group massages the patient double under the traditional methodLimb,All Sessionsare15Days.knottwoGroup nursing Efficacy Watch,prevention of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis in patientsefficiency is respectively100%,88.7%,χ2CheckTest,differences are statistically significantrighteousness.knotDiscussionpneumatic therapeutic instrument prevention of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity in elderly patients with long stay in bed obviously,and Time-savingForce.