Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 118

    Application of preventive medicine in preventing measles

    by Xue Nan

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.2, No.1, 2013; 175 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    Measles is a acute respiratory disease, and it is strongly infectious, and the young ChIldren are the High-incidence group, and the disease occurs due to measles viruses, and the infection may measles oTher diseases such as chronic fibrous pneumonia and acute cerebral, and we can meningitis the prevent by using theModern prevention medical means, and the paper'll and analyze the application of preventive in medicineTing measles. Keywords :  measles;Preventive medicine;Modern preventive means;Application Effect

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 129

    clinical research of the preventive treatment form igrainousvertigo without headanche and observing the evoke dpotential

    by WANG xiangming

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.2, No.1, 2013; 175 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    ObJECTive:ToobseRvethepr[Eve]ntivetREATmeNTforpatientswithnon-headachetyPemigRainevertigo.Method:48CAsesoFpatieNTswithnon-HeaDAChetypemIgRaINevertigowereRAndomlyDIvIDeDintotREATmeNTgroupaNDControlgroup.TheTreatmentGroupwasgoingtobetReatedbyflunarizine,anDtheCoNTrolgRouPwasgoingtobetReatedbyBetahIsti\ ne.Allofthemtooka8-weektREATmeNTperioD.SepaRAtelysTudyvisuaLevokedpotentiaLmeasurEmentoFmigRaINePatientswithvertigobeFoReaNDAftertheRapy.Result:8weeKsafteRthetREATmeNT,ThecuRativeeffECToftheTreatmEntgroUPwassignificaNTLybetteRtHatHeControlgroup(X2=27.1888,P[0.01, p a)tieNTsWithvertigoweR[E]RECEivinGProsthEtictReaTmeNT(P"0".1, a n)dthemiGRaineveRtigoPatientsoFUNUsuallyvisuaLevokedpotentiaLsmeasurEswerealsoeaseDAftertReatmenT.ConClusion:ForthePatieNTswithnon-HeaDAChetypemIgRaINevertigo,FlunariZINePreventivetReaTmeNTHasbeTTeRclinicaLcurativeeffECT.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 140

    Impact of thrombus aspiration conjugative with Anisodamine for the Prevention of No-reflow phenomenon following primary Percutaneous coronary intervention

    by Zhao yujun

    Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.2, No.1, 2013; 161 Views, 2 PDF Downloads

    Objective:We sought to evaluate the combination therapy of thrombus aspiration plus anisodamine in prevention of No-reflowphenomenon during percutaneous coronary intervention.method:fromOctober 2009to June,143 consecutive patients with STEMI who received manualthrombus aspiration were involved in a Double Center prospectively analysis.The patients were treated with anisodamine (1000fig/kg)plus Tirofiban (pg/kg) (Group A,n = Tirofiban and pg/kg alone (group B,n = respectively.The drugswere selectively injected into the infarct-related artery (IRA),Through the occlusion to the distal segment via the Thrombus ASPI Theration catheter advanced MTO the IRA.Primary endpoints were postprocedural corrected thrombolysis in myocardial frame count (infarction).The proportion of complete c>70%)St-segment resolution (STR) myocardial blush Grade 2~3 (MBG) post PCI.Secondary endpoints included peak value of creatine kinase - MBTIMI flow grade;6-month outcome including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF),b16> as acardiac death target vascular revascularization,Re-infarction and their combination as major adverse cardiac events (MACE).result:Baseline characteristicswere not different between two groups.Compared to group B,Group A had①A lower corrected TIMI coronary flame count (_p<0.b20>,②ahigher proportionof completest-Segment Resolution (_P<0). *PetroChinaHuabei Oilfield Company Science and technology project(no:2012-hb-g09-4 1 North China Petroleum Administration General Hospital Heart II(Hebei Renqiu,062552 2 North China Petroleum Administration General Hospital Maternity and Gynecology 3 Hebei Medical University Second HospitalDepartment of CardiologyCommunications author:Dongqiu,e-mail:dong12922@126.com   ③a better myocardial blush 2-3grade ratio (_p = 0.),and④A lower peak creatine kinase-mb (_p0.()), There is no differences in TIMI 3 flow grade between the two groups (P []B20>0.No differences were foundin Cardiac Death,tvr,r^infarction,mace,between The two groups during 6-month follow-upOnly a improvement trend in groupeight(P0.05).Nevertheless, LVEF at6 month is higher in groupEight(P(0.01).Conclusion: preventively intracoronary Administration of Anisodamine 1000 ug via thrombus aspiration catheter can improve myocardiAl reperfusion for acute STEMI with initial timi^2 treated with primary PCI.