Vol. 5 No. 1 (2016)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 146

    Design of energy system for light aircraft of hydrogen fuel cell

    by chi Go

    Progress in Energy & Fuels, Vol.5, No.1, 2024; 160 Views, 7 PDF Downloads

    comply with the development trend of green aviation,This article takes a hydrogen fuel cell powermoving light aircraft to research object,launched the aircraft's energy system programDesign Research.The aircraft is a_species two light aircraft

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 163

    Discussion on new Clean energy fuel cell

    by yong Zhang

    Progress in Energy & Fuels, Vol.5, No.1, 2024; 136 Views, 11 PDF Downloads

    fuel cells have unusual performance:Clean and efficient,power efficiency up to60%above,and can be serviced with partial load running,there is virtually no except for low carbon oxides emissionsHarmful emissions.Thearticle describes the principles and classification of fuel cells,highlighting its product performance and application prospects.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 203

    SELECTION of VEHICLE NEW Energy fuels and life CYCLE assessment

    by Wei Huang

    Progress in Energy & Fuels, Vol.5, No.1, 2024; 137 Views, 6 PDF Downloads

    Cycle energy consumption and environment emission assessment model of vehicle new energy fuels was ESTABLIshed.Cycle energy consumption and environmental pollutant emissions of the new energy fuels were.Results showed that the full life cycle energy consumption of alcohol fuels is highest, and the full life cycle Energy CoNsumption of the fuel cell was lowest, and the fuel consumption is mainly concentrated in the use stage, and that is lowEST in the raw material stage.The full life cycle C02emission of methanol isHighest, and the full life cycle C02emission ofHybrid was lowest.The full life cycle emissionsof VOC,HC,NO x ,PMi0and so x of alcohol fuels is highest, and the fuel cell was lowest.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 116

    An excellent book on the interpretation of scientific and technological innovation and energy reform

    by tianwei Tan

    Progress in Energy & Fuels, Vol.5, No.1, 2024; 156 Views, 9 PDF Downloads

    YearTenMonthDay,ismainly in China Petroleum CorporationDevelopment of Jatropha AeroBiofuels,at Capital International Airport by Air China Boeing747Flight test complete Success,Fills the air of our country's aviation biofuelswhite,Themakes an important contribution to the development of new energy sources represented by biofuels.to forPetroChina the organizer of the project,Hu Xuteng is a model of scientificinnovation with the thethe paradigm of practicalinnovation.He led the""Liquid Biofuels:from fossilsto raw materialComprehensive popularization of liquid biofuel production technology,andThedescribes the relevant policy regulations and development environment;analyzes both theSignificant progress,Facing the problems and challenges in development;both describes liquidsBiofuel Production Patterns,and think about how to speed up the development of the from a whole industry chainshow.Thepublication of this book can awaken more peers.,co-push New Energy'sDevelopment,is an excellent book to explain science and technology innovation and energy reform,whichsome ideas and ideas,believed to be bound to cause positive repercussions in academia andthe,lead the development trend of China's liquid biofuel industry.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 138

    Application of low nitrogen combustion technology in hedging combustion boilers

    by Sho li

    Progress in Energy & Fuels, Vol.5, No.1, 2024; 138 Views, 5 PDF Downloads

    As our economy continues to grow,Increasing emphasis on energy consumption.current,NOx has been included in our environmental protection 12 planning requirements,thereduction of nitrogen energy is aproblem that the "" ""will pay close attention to,Low-nitrogen combustion technology is also known as flue gas out-of-stock technology,The purpose is to improve combustion conditions in burning boilers,to fully burn the fuel completely,and burningTogenerate more energy,to decreaseNOxemissions.This article mainly introduces the classification of low nitrogen combustion technology and the necessity and solution of low nitrogen combustion technology in the application of burning boiler.Applythe