The effect of renewable energy resources on regional development at the Thrace Region in Turkey

  • Bahtiyar Dursun Istanbul Esenyurt University
Ariticle ID: 511
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Keywords: Regional development, Renewable energy, Thrace region, Turkey


Countries seek to increase their economic growth and development levels effectively by using their production factors. The living standards at the aforementioned regions to rise up to the desired level via regarded economic development. The main purpose of the local and regional development is to enhance underdeveloped and developing regions’ limited income level and increase the business opportunities when compared with the developed regions. One of the prominent actors in the local and regional development is undoubtedly energy. Especially, recently, the demand to the renewable energy sources usage has been increasing.  Renewable energy sources are evaluated according to their potentials. When a region has a renewable energy potential, establishing and running renewable energy sources based power plants will have positive effects on regional development. In this study, energy concept, which is one of the most important inputs of regional development, is discussed. Current usage potential of the Thrace Region’s current energy sources are presented and the effects of renewable energy sources on regional development are studied when they are used.

Author Biography

Bahtiyar Dursun, Istanbul Esenyurt University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


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