Determinants of replacement of biofuels for fossil fuels:research Based on views from Energy, Food and environment by Using a cross-country Panel Dataset

  • tao Xiang 1
  • kai Li 1
Article ID: 150
147 Views, 10 PDF Downloads
Keywords: Biofuels, EnergySecurity, FoodSecurity, Environment


Thispaperutilizesalandom -effecttobitmodel to analysisGlobal decision,ofofplacementofbiofuelsoffossilFuels.Empiricalresultthedependencyto biofuelsonarableland large; yieldstoagric ulturalProducts
NationalIncome /人å‡å¹´åˆ†äº«; NationalincomepercapitahassignificantImpactonBiofuels


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