Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3442

    Wabi Sabi Aesthetics in Design

    by Jing Zhang

    Lifelong Education, Vol.12, No.1, 2023; 27 Views

    Wabi-sabi, the origin of Japanese culture and design thinking, a very fashionable word, is a very famous and sacred aesthetic thinking concept, cultural lovers in all fields of it are fond of it, but it is mysterious. What is “amazing silence and creation?” With its own vague, ethereal mystery, it represents a beauty of imperfection, which literally translates from the Japanese to wabi, sabi. It can be explained this way: it is the simple beauty of simple silence bathed in the halo of time. It is an appreciation of the rules and respect of nature. The word “design” is the process of conveying an idea through reasonable planning, careful planning, and various sensory forms. How to integrate the aesthetics of wabi-sabi into modern design and develop it while preserving its own aesthetics. We don’t seem to have a standard answer. Different people have different meanings of wabi-sabi. In addition, we can see multiple expression results in different things, such as tea art, Hara Kenya’s graphic design and so on. This is a concept that can only be understood but cannot be explained in words, which is worth fur_x0002_ther understanding and study.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3443

    An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Backward Design in Microlecture

    by Ya Lin

    Lifelong Education, Vol.12, No.1, 2023; 33 Views

    In the past decade, there is a growing tendency of applying mirolecture to supplement the offline course instruction. The instruc_x0002_tional designs that aim to support the acquisition of new knowledge and skills from the microlecture are being constantly created, reviewed and revised so as to maximize the learning outcomes. The Backward Design instructional model offers a systematic problem-solving approach to improve instructional effect and learning outcomes. To explore the application and effectiveness of Backward Design in microlecture, this paper applies the Backward Design to the instructional design of a 20-minute-length microlecture, assessing its effectiveness by dividing students into the contrast group (91 students) and the experiment group (91students). The experiment results demonstrate that the task performance of experiment group was 5.3% higher than that of the contrast group.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3444

    Research on Personal Information Protection of College Students under Big Data

    by Honghao Dou

    Lifelong Education, Vol.12, No.1, 2023; 33 Views

    With the continuous development of science and technology, mankind has now entered the era of big data. With the rapid develop_x0002_ment of network technology, mobile social platforms have become an indispensable part of people’s lives, especially college students. While mobile social platforms have brought many conveniences in life and study to college students, the security of personal information on the Internet has also become a problem. Intensified, and brought extremely bad effects to the lives of college students. In recent years, various incidents of theft of personal information have often occurred. For college students who are heavy users of the Internet in today’s era, it plays an important role in the Internet system and accounts for an increasing proportion of the Internet user group. We must clearly recognize the importance of protecting college students’ personal information security.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3445

    An Analysis of the Copyright Issues of Fan Works

    by Bingqian Shao

    Lifelong Education, Vol.12, No.1, 2023; 27 Views

    With the widespread use of the rapid development of the network and a variety of software platforms, increasing the number of Fan works, Fan works commercial features growing conflict between the Fan works with the original copyright has become more pronounced. Especially the “Xiao Zhan Fans 227 Incident” at the end of February 2020 has aroused public attention to Fan Works. Under this circum_x0002_stance, analyzing the copyright conflicts between Fan works and the original works and improving the coordination mechanism of copyright conflicts will benefit the healthy and orderly development of Chinese cultural undertakings.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3446

    The Construction of Teaching Evaluation Index System of Pro- gramming Courses in Primary and Secondary Schools Based on AHP

    by Xing Chen

    Lifelong Education, Vol.12, No.1, 2023; 26 Views

    Teaching evaluation is an important part of education and teaching activities. It is particularly important to construct a scientific evaluation index system to guide and promote the teaching quality of programming courses in primary and secondary schools. This paper mainly uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to study the evaluation index system of programming course teaching in primary and secondary schools from the perspective of students’ deep learning. The research results show that the evaluation index system of program_x0002_ming course teaching in primary and secondary schools includes four first-level indicators and sixteen second-level indicators. Among them, thinking structure and motor skills are the two first-level indicators, expanding structure and association structure are the two second-level indicators, which have the greatest impact on the teaching evaluation of programming course in primary and secondary schools.