Design of Educational Art Activities for Preschoolers

  • Xiaoxi Liu Sichuan University of Science & Engineering
Article ID: 853
Keywords: Preschoolers, Art Education, Current Status


With the constantly development of social economy, fine art has received more and more attention in people's learning progress. Meanwhile, art, as an important part of fine art education, plays an irreplaceable role. Early childhood is the vital stage for the study of fine arts and promoting toddlers to develop good art capability, which is quite important for preschooler's development. Children's painting should not only be understood correctly and objectively but also need to be given correct guidance. The key to art education for preschoolers is to create a good painting environment for them. Besides, teacher's reasonable and effective teaching method is also a key link in cultivating children's art capability.


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How to Cite
Liu, X. (2020). Design of Educational Art Activities for Preschoolers. Lifelong Education, 9(3), 57-60.