A study on the rural revitalization function of vocational education

  • Xiangli Zhang Panzhihua University
Article ID: 779
Keywords: Vocational education, rural revitalization, functional research


Rural talent team building is one of the most important measures to achieve rural revitalization and in the rural revitalization strategy, vocational education has much to do. Based on this, this paper summarizes and analyzes the current situation and existing problems of vocational education, and then puts forward the feasible measures of rural revitalization function reform of vocational education, in order to provide reference for our country to realize rural revitalization.

How to Cite
Zhang, X. (2019). A study on the rural revitalization function of vocational education. Lifelong Education, 8(2), 44-46. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v8i2.779


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