The Government function in the development of life-long education and its revelation to China

  • Shing Shing
Article ID: 437
Keywords: Japan, Lifelong Education, government functions Figure category number, G 420 Literature identifier


Summary : The development of life-long education , from the introduction of ideas to the promotion of practice activities , is inseparable from the government's attention and Support . The role of the Japanese government in advancing lifelong education is mainly the : Import Advanced Education Concept ; all set education policy , statute ; set up administrative authorities at all levels ; Building Lifelong education service facilities ; securing funding for lifelong education . Our government can learn from Japanese experience , Combined with China's national conditions , Promote and popularize the idea of lifelong education ; Build legislation for lifelong education development ; set up specialized administrative offices at all levels ; establishing a diversification fund investment mechanism ; integer together lifelong education infrastructure , Improve the utilization of facilities and other measures to promote lifelong education development .

How to Cite
Shing, S. (1). The Government function in the development of life-long education and its revelation to China. Lifelong Education, 3(1).


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