Life education in the context of lifelong education Development dimension Analysis

  • dan Jor
Article ID: 423
Keywords: Lifelong Education, Life Education, Dimension


Summary Life Education is an essential component of lifelong education development , plays an important role in the development of society and the all-round development of students . student The basic connotations of education include life Cognition , Life time and life development education . The relationship between lifelong education and life education , from think want to lead , Organizational security, as well as curriculum and project implementation and other development dimensions to explore how life education better development of , describes life education hair Show dimensions and implications , This paper puts forward the methods and countermeasures of realizing the perfect life education concept in the context of lifelong education .

How to Cite
Jor, dan. (2012). Life education in the context of lifelong education Development dimension Analysis. Lifelong Education, 1(1).


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