End education | The high branch under stops“ Home Service mode Yau

  • Yu Wang
Article ID: 419
Keywords: Lifelong Education, College, Employment after service


Summary : Lifelong Education , development of lifelong learning concepts , brings opportunities forchange in adult continuing education . University employment under the philosophy of lifelong education ""service " mode " , is for graduates who have already been employed , aims to improve graduates ' professionalcompetitiveness by service after employment , for employers , graduate to build a lifelong learning system . basedon this , article starting from the plight of college graduates entering the workplace , specifically discusses the concept of lifelong education College jobs "" Services How The mechanism is built.

How to Cite
Wang, Y. (2018). End education | The high branch under stops“ Home Service mode Yau. Lifelong Education, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v7i1.419


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