Higher Order Willmore Revolution Hypersurfaes in Rn+1

  • Jianxiang Li College of Mathematics, Baoshan University
  • Zhen Guo College of Mathematics, Baoshan University
Article ID: 3152
Keywords: Conformal invariants, nth order Willmore functional, nth order Willmore revolution hypersurface.


Let x : Mn→Nn 1 be an n-dimensional hypersurface immersed in an (n 1)-dimensional Riemannian manifold Nn 1. Let σi (0≤i≤n) be the ith mean curvature and Qn = , where Cin is binomial coefficient. The second author showed that functional Wn(x)=∫MQndM is a conformal invariant and gave the Euler-Lagrange equation. Wn is called the nth Willmore functional of x. A hypersurface is called the nth order Willmore hypersurfaces if it is a solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation. In this paper, we establish the ordinary differential equation of the nth order Willmore revolution hypersurfaces and present standard examples of the nth order Willmore hypersurfaces.
How to Cite
Li, J., & Guo, Z. (2022). Higher Order Willmore Revolution Hypersurfaes in Rn+1. Lifelong Education, 10(3), 75-89. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v10i3.3152


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